Hair Loss In Men Los Angeles

Male pattern hair loss, also known as androgenic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss in males that we treat at our Los Angeles hair transplant practice. In susceptible follicles, the hormone testosterone is converted to DHT, a hormone that causes the hair follicles to shrink over time and subsequently die.

The medication Propecia (finasteride) inhibits the conversion of testosterone to DHT, thus slowing or stopping one of the most important processes in genetic hair loss. This is why this medication has proven to be so effective in preserving native hair. For hair that has already fallen out, propecia is not effective.

The condition usually starts in men aged 20 to 30 and follows a typical pattern. First, a receding hairline develops, and, gradually, the hair on top of the head begins to thin. Eventually, the two balding areas meet to form a typical U-shape around the back and sides of the head. The hair that remains is often finer, and does not grow as quickly as it used to, until finally it falls out and ceases to grow at all.


I am often asked if the inherited hair loss pattern comes from the mother’s side of the family. The answer is that the genetic code which predisposes someone to hair loss can come from either side of your family.

Another, more unusual, form of hair loss in men that we see in our hair transplant practice in Los Angeles is scarring alopecia. This can take many forms. Some cases of scarring alopecia are caused by an “auto-immune” like reaction where the body attacks the hair follicles which causes them to fall out. This form of hair loss can also be accompanied by hair loss in other areas of the body, including the eyebrows and beard. An example of this is alopecia areata. In this process circular lesions of complete hair loss can occur in multiple locations on the scalp, eyebrows, and beard. These lesions can respond to steroid injections and can also move around to different locations. These lesions are typically not good candidates for hair transplant procedures.

Scars from traumatic injuries or surgical procedures can also cause hair loss. These areas of hair loss typically respond very positively to hair transplant procedures. In areas of scarring there is typically a reduced blood supply so it is important to not transplant with too much density as there can be a risk of necrosis. Also it’s important to know that there is a reduced growth rate of the transplanted hair follicles into the scar due to the reduced blood supply.

If I am transplanting into a large scar, I prefer to transplant in two sessions that are approximately 6-9 months apart so that I can try and get the greatest growth rate possible while minimizing risk. In addition, studies have shown that when hair follicles are transplanted into areas of scarring, they stimulate neogenesis, which is the creation of new blood vessels this makes the scar tissues even more amenable to the second hair transplant procedure. I have a number of cases in my photos gallery demonstrating the results of hair transplant procedures into scars of various types.

If you are suffering from hair loss, contact our Los Angeles hair transplant practice so that we can help you to get your hair back.

Dr. Marc Dauer, MD is a board certified leader in hair restoration, hair transplants, eyebrow restoration for men and women, hair transplants for scars, and facial hair transplants. Dr Dauer is experienced with successfully treating and restoring hair loss of the scalp, eyebrows, sideburns, male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness and from scarring. Dr. Dauer is board certified by the American Board Of Hair Restoration Surgery and a member of the prestigious International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery. Dauer Hair Restoration provides hair restoration, FUE and FUT, hair transplants. Los Angeles hair loss treatments, eyebrow transplants, sideburn transplant, treatment for male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness, and transplantation for scarring. We serve patients from the Los Angeles area including, Santa Monica, West Hollywood, West Los Angeles, Culver City, Brentwood, Bel Air, Beverly Hills, Hollywood, Manhattan Beach, Redondo Beach, Malibu and beyond. Consider Dr. Dauer for your hair restoration needs.

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