
Here is another one of our FUE hair transplant patients showing his result approximately 1 year after his procedure. As you can see the results are very natural. Something that I try to convey to prospective patients is the fact that not all hair transplants are not created equal. This is living art, and as such every artist will create a different hairline, with different densities of hair, different angles and orientations of the transplanted hair, etc. There are so many variables that make the difference between an excellent result, versus a decent result, versus a bad result. There are also many variables in the donor harvesting that can diminish or ruin the donor zone for the future, versus preserving as much donor hair as possible for future procedures and taking out only the grafts necessary for the current situation. Many clinics don’t expect the ever see the patient again and take most or all of their donor hair in a single procedure. This is extremely shortsighted as hair loss is a continuing process and its very important to evaluate any prospective hair transplant patient not just what they look like today, but to predict their endpoint of hairloss to the best of our ability and then determine how many grafts will be required over time to address current loss, and also keep up with continuing loss. This is why I perform every hair transplant consultation personally and don’t have “consultants” performing these on my behalf. I want every patient to be evaluated by myself  and to hear realistic expectations for the  short term and long term from me personally. I also want the opportunity to examine the patient and get their hair loss history so that I can have a good idea about future loss as well. This is also why I personally extract every hair follicle from the donor zone as well, while many other doctors delegate this to technicians. This is a crucial step both in getting intact follicular units for a successful hair transplant, while also preserving as much of the donor zone as possible for future procedures. Before choosing your hair transplant surgeon/ artist, make sure you have seen many hundreds of before and after photos by that surgeon that look aesthetically pleasing to you. Also make sure your surgeon is seeing you in the consultation and performing the harvesting of the hair personally. Finally, make sure your surgeon has a singular focus in hair restoration and doesn’t have a menu with many different cosmetic procedures and hair is just one item on the menu. There is a reason why specialists do nothing else but hair restoration, and to be great at something is to do that same thing many times over.

Marc Dauer, M.D.

hair transplant result

This is a FUE hair transplant result by Dr. Marc Dauer

FUE hair transplant

This is a FUE hair transplant result by Dr. Marc Dauer

FUE hair transplant

This is a FUE hair transplant result by Dr. Marc Dauer

hair transplant

This is a FUE hair transplant result by Dr. Marc Dauer