At Dauer Hair Restoration, Dr. Dauer has been performing hair restoration Santa Monica, CA residents trust for many, many years. He understands that hair loss can surely hinder a person’s self-esteem and confidence. During a consultation, he can talk with you about your options for hair restoration and whether such a procedure would be ideal for you. If it is decided that undergoing a hair transplant procedure is in your best interest, then we can inform you about what to do, and what not to do, after the session is performed. Here we explain further what hair transplants entail, and how to properly care for your scalp afterwards.

What is a Hair Transplant Procedure?

Those who struggle with hair loss may turn to Dauer Hair Restoration for a hair transplant procedure. This is when grafts of healthy hair is harvested and then relocated to balding or thinning areas of the scalp. Hair transplantation is a procedure that utilizes micrografting technology, and where the patient donates their own hair follicles. Many patients appeal to the idea that their own material is being used to promote hair growth in areas that are balding or thinning.

The results of CA hair restoration in Santa Monica are considered permanent and are long-lasting. The procedure may take upwards of four hours or longer, but this depends on the patient and the severity of the hair loss. Additionally, several sessions may be required in order to get the full head of hair desired. After your procedure, we are likely to suggest the following tips so that you are doing everything you can to optimize the end result:

  • Do ask your doctor what medications are safe for you to take.
  • Do apply ice right above the eyebrows to help with swelling, but do not apply directly to where the follicles were inserted.
  • Do be extremely gentle with your scalp when washing hair for the first week after the session. Do not blast the shower stream right onto the scalp. Use a cup to rinse.
  • Do hydrate your body plenty before and after the transplant.
  • Do anticipate some hair to fall out within the transplanted areas for 2-4 weeks post procedure. This is a very normal part of the hair growth cycle, so please do not be alarmed!
  • Do apply conditioner to the scalp, but with a light hand, to relieve itching. We can recommend a good conditioner to use.
  • Do consider making a recliner chair into a bed as you are healing, as you do not want to lie on your side, on your tummy, in a way where your scalp is rubbing against the pillow as you sleep.
  • Do not wear hats for the first few days after the procedure. As the scabs that form naturally due to the transplant will require a few days to solidify. It is best to avoid putting anything on your head.

If you want to find out more about hair transplant procedures, please call us about your options for Santa Monica, CA hair restoration at Dauer Hair Restoration!