Pre-Op Hair Transplant Info


  1. Because certain drugs cause the blood to thin you need to stop taking all aspirin and aspirin products at least 10 days before your appointment. Take Tylenol if needed.  Any prescription blood thinners need to be stopped 3 days before the procedure.  Please see the attached list for some of these products.  Also avoid supplements, caffeine and alcohol consumption 2 days before the procedure.
  2. Eat a large breakfast the morning of your procedure. You will be given a medication that needs to be taken with food.  You will be here 5 to 9 hours and we will provide lunch.
  3. We will provide you with a dark colored baseball cap to wear home after your transplant is completed.
  4. Wear comfortable clothing and a shirt that buttons down the front, rather than one that slips over your head. The rooms tend to be 72˚F, dress accordingly for your comfort.
  5. You may also want to bring a book or Walkman/iPod to keep you occupied; however, there is always conversation provided by the Micrografting team and boredom is seldom a problem. We have movies via Netflix and Direct TV as well as wireless Internet.
  6. Shampoo your hair well the morning of the treatment to remove all oil, scaling or hair products. Do not apply any agents to the hair or scalp after shampooing the morning of your appointment.  This includes medications (Rogaine, medicated lotions, etc.) or grooming agents (conditioning, hair spray, etc.)
  7. Local anesthetic will be used to avoid discomfort during the procedure and a mild sedative will be given before your procedure to help keep you comfortable. You may not drive for 12 hours after the sedation. Please arrange for someone to drive you home after your procedure.

EYEBROW PATIENTS: Please do NOT put any lotions of any kind on your face on your procedure day. Please leave skin dry.Do NOT have fake eyelashes on as they will be tampered down with moist gauze during the procedure and inhibit our ability to work around your brow area. If you cannot remove them please know they will sustain damage during the procedure. Your brows come first. No makeup or lotions anywhere on the face day of surgery and please PLEASE BRING ANY PENCILS OR POWDERS YOU TYPICALLY USE TO DRAW IN YOUR EYEBROWS.

HAIR EXTENSIONS: If they block donor hair area they will be cut to reach that area.

Payment is due in full the morning of your procedure.  Our preferred methods of payment are cash, Visa, MasterCard, Amex, and Cashier’s check. No Personal checks on date of service.