This is a very interesting patient of mine. This patient, whom both he and his wife happen to both be physicians, presented to me complaining of hair loss in the frontal scalp, sideburns, and eyebrows over a number of years. The patient denied any other medical conditions.
On examination I determined that the patient most likely had a form of scarring alopecia and referred the patient to a local dermatologist for confirmation. A biopsy confirmed Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia and the pathology revealed that the disease appeared inactive.
After discussion with the patient and the treating Dermatologist we agreed that I would transplant a small number of test grafts in different areas of hair loss and we would see how they grew before proceeding with a larger procedure.
The test grafts grew well and the patient returned requesting a much larger procedure to create cosmetic density in the frontal scalp, sideburns, and eyebrows.
I explained to the patient that even if we were successful with the transplant procedure, there was always the possibility that the disease could recur in the future and possibly destroy the transplanted grafts. The patient understood and wished to proceed with the procedure.
The patient received 2521 grafts via FUT to the frontal scalp, mid scalp, and sideburns, and approximately 250 grafts per eyebrow. Care was taken not to pack the grafts too densely because of possible vascular compromise of the tissue to be transplanted secondary to the scarring alopecia process.
The results are shown after 1 year.
The patient is absolutely thrilled with his results and is now requesting a second procedure to increase the density.
I hope to provide updates in the future.
All the best,
Marc Dauer, M.D.

Patient with Scarring Alopecia who received a hair transplant

Patient with Scarring Alopecia who received a hair transplant

Patient with Scarring Alopecia who received a hair transplant

Patient with Scarring Alopecia who received a hair transplant

Patient with Scarring Alopecia who received a hair transplant

Patient with Scarring Alopecia who received a hair transplant

Patient with Scarring Alopecia who received an eyebrow transplant