I recently saw a patient in consultation that had an eyebrow transplant procedure performed in the office of a very well known physician. The issue is that the physician did not perform the procedure. In fact, the physician is not trained in hair transplantation at all and does not even perform hair transplant or eyebrow transplant procedures himself. What he did was have a medical assistant perform the entire procedure, from beginning to end, and the physician did not perform any aspect of it. The medical assistant performed the harvest using the neograft automated FUE machine and then created the recipient sites and placed the grafts. The patient ended up having 2 procedures like this.
The entire procedure was an epic failure. Only about 20 hairs grew from both procedures on each eyebrow and the hairs that grew were growing straight out from the skin in unsightly directions. The donor area in the back of the head was also significantly scarred from the attempted extraction of many hundreds of hair follicles.
In addition, the patient also had an eyebrow tattoo performed in the same physicians office prior to the 2 eyebrow transplants which created even more scarring in the eyebrow.
To have a medical assistant perform the entire hair or eyebrow transplant procedure is not only unethical, it is against the law in many states including California. Unfortunately this represent a growing trend in the field of hair and eyebrow transplantation. More and more companies are pitching “automated” devices to harvest hair follicles and selling physicians who have no experience in the field with a new device to increase their revenue growth. Their pitch is that you don’t need to know anything about hair and eyebrow transplants, just buy the machine and the company will supply per diems technicians to do the rest. This is the result of that.
I performed an eyebrow transplant procedure on the patient and placed approximately 300 follicles per eyebrow. The results are shown a week after the procedure. In a few months I will updated with follow up photos. Because of all the scarring from the previous eyebrow tattoo and botched eyebrow transplants, the patient will have less growth yield than someone with healthy tissue. She should still have an excellent result and I already told her she should expect to have a second procedure in 9-12 months to increase the density.
This should be a lesson to anyone considering hair or eyebrow transplants. Make sure you go to a physician who specializes EXCLUSIVELY in hair transplants or if you are going to have an eyebrow transplant someone who does many of these procedures, and that they have dozens if not hundreds of results to show you. Just because the physician is skilled in another field does not make them an excellent hair or eyebrow transplant surgeon.
All the best,
Marc Dauer, M.D.

This is a botched eyebrow transplant with pre existing eyebrow tattoo present.

This is a botched eyebrow transplant with pre existing eyebrow tattoo showing the hairs growing in different directions incorrectly.

This is a botched eyebrow transplant with pre existing eyebrow tattoo immediately post corrective eyebrow transplant procedure.

This is one week after approximately 300 grafts were placed in each eyebrow to correct a botched eyebrow transplant procedure.

This is one week after approximately 300 grafts were placed in each eyebrow to correct a botched eyebrow transplant procedure.