
Today I will demonstrate a phenomenon known as “pitting”. This occurs when the transplanted grafts are placed too deeply and it causes the hairs to look like they are growing out of a hole or a pit. This is a completely unnatural look and can easily be avoided by placing the grafts properly with a small amount of tissue protruding above the skin. In the case of this patient, his previous procedure was performed at an unnamed large hair transplant chain operation and 2 different  nurses were used to place each side of the hairline. In this case the left side had extensive pitting and the right side did not show the same amount (see the photos below). This is one more reason why quality control is so important in hair transplant procedures. We as physicians are only as good as the nurses placing the grafts and unqualified nurses placing the grafts can lead to results like you see here. My nursing staff have been with me over 10 years each and they have all been working in the field of hair transplant surgery for over 15 years each. Most of my nurses have worked on my scalp personally, and I trust them implicitly, as I am smart enough to know that my results are only as good as they are, and they are great.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.

This photo shows "pitting" from a previous hair transplant.

This photo shows “pitting” from a previous hair transplant.

This is from the same patient the other side of the frontal scalp that does not show significant pitting.

This is from the same patient the other side of the frontal scalp that does not show significant pitting.


There are many different variables that come into play when creating a completely natural hairline through hair transplant surgery. The most important is the artistic capability of the hair transplant surgeon. Below is a photos of a patient of mine showing his hairline design immediately post procedure and a close up photo of the transplanted hairline 1 year later. The result is a completely natural hairline that appears natural even when pulled back.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.

Close up hair transplant hairline photo

Close up hair transplant hairline photo


Here is a patient of mine who received just under 2600 grafts via FUT to the frontal and mid scalp. The results are shown at 10 months.

The patient describes his experience and how his results have changed his self confidence.

I hope you enjoy watching.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, MD


Here is  patient of mine describing his experience and showing his results 9 months after his procedure. His results are already impressive and he is very happy. He should get more density over the next 3-6 months as the transplanted hairs continue to thicken.

I hope you enjoy watching.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.


Today I will discuss the grafts from FUE and how they can differ. Firstly there is the size of the tool used to extract the grafts. Even though many tools claim to be a certain size some are measured from the internal diameter and some from the outside diameter. This may not see like that much difference but an extra .1mm of punch size can leave significantly more pinpoint scarring in the donor region. Many of the automated systems including the ARTAS robotic system tend to use larger punch sizes (1mm and even larger) which can leave significantly more scarring in the donor region. I use a sharp tip that measures .9mm from the outer diameter. For very course curly hair types I also have sizes that go up to 1.05mm when necessary and when extraction body or beard hair I also have tips as small as .8mm. The .9mm is an excellent “work horse” tip that allows for beautiful graft extractions in experienced hands. I have a photo of the grafts from my FUE patient yesterday and as you can see they are all intact and most are multi hair follicular units which is another advantage of FUE in that it allows you to choose the larger follicular units and leave the smaller ones behind.

Not all FUE hair transplant surgeons are created equal and it is of utmost importance that you see good examples of your surgeons FUE results and grafts prior to proceeding with this type of procedure.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.

FUE grafts extracted with a 0.9mm punch tool.

FUE grafts extracted with a 0.9mm punch tool.



Here is a patient of mine 7 months after I completed his hair transplant of approximately 2500 grafts. The harvest was performed via FUT. The patient’s growth is extremely robust for the 7 month mark and he should still see more increased cosmetic density over the next 6-7 months. He is thrilled with the results as they stand and looking forward to more hair growing in.

I hope you enjoy watching.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.


Here is a follicular unit extraction hair transplant patient of mine who describes the results from his procedure and how it has changed his appearance.

I hope you enjoy watching.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.


Here is a new hair transplant patient testimonial of a patient of mine. The video was taken immediately after the patient’s procure and also 2 weeks later. The patient describes in his own words what the procedure was like as well as the immediate post procedure time period. I hope you enjoy watching.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.


Today I will address the question of who is a good candidate for hair restoration surgery. To begin with, it should be determined that the loss of hair is due to genetic causes and that the donor area (the sides and back of the scalp) are not affected by hair loss and have robust density of hair present. The next major factor is determining the patient’s eventual total loss of hair (their genetic hair loss pattern) and eventual total donor reserves. This allows us to approximate how much donor hair will be available over the patient’s lifetime and how much donor hair they will require to cover the eventual area of hair loss. This is most important in younger individuals who are usually destined to lose significantly more hair over time. This also allows the patient to have an idea of what they can expect not only in the short term, but in the long run as well. Some patients would opt not to proceed with hair restoration surgery if they know that they cannot cover their entire head with a thick mane of hair, and others would be more comfortable with this. It is our job as hair restoration surgeons to educate the patients as to their realistic expectations in the short term and long term so that they make the proper decision now and one that they will be happy with later on in life. Too often I meet patients who were “sold” an unrealistic bill of goods by an unscrupulous hair restoration surgeon and they subsequently end up regretting their decision to have had the procedure in the first place because they had no idea that their hair loss would progress to such an extent.

In summary,  responsible hair restoration surgeon should educate their patient as to all the possibilities and allow them to make the informed decision as to how to proceed with hair restoration surgery, or not to proceed. This is an amazing procedure when performed properly on the proper patient, and having had 3 hair transplants myself, I am a walking testimonial of this fact along with thousands of my patients. But make sure you have all the facts before making the decision for yourself to ensure that it something that you are happy with in the long run.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.


Here is a male patient of mine who received just over 300 grafts per eyebrow to increase the density of the outer eyebrows on both sides. The hairs were harvested from the scalp via FUE. The results are shown after 6 months. The patient should see a bit more growth over the next few months but the results are already very visible. FUE harvest is a good option for men that like to cut their hair very short and don’t want any linear scar from the strip harvest procedure.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.

This is a male patient who had an eyebrow transplant harvested via FUE.

This is a male patient who had an eyebrow transplant harvested via FUE.

This is a male patient who had an eyebrow transplant with harvest via FUE.

This is a male patient who had an eyebrow transplant with harvest via FUE.