The hairline design is probably the most important facet of Hair Transplantation. It has the power to make a Hair Transplant look completely natural or completely unnatural. It is crucial that the transplanted hairs are oriented in the proper angle and orientation. You should not be able to tell the difference between the transplanted hair and any native hair that is present in the area. In addition, the hairline should be placed in a location that takes into account future hair loss and the patients eventual donor reserve. This means that in younger patients with more extensive hair loss, it is imperative to not place the hairline too low, as you could create the problem of running out of donor hair in the future. Every millimeter that you lower the hairline requires an exponentially large number of hairs to fill in behind it. I always tell my patients we can lower the hairline in the future if the continuing hair loss allows for more aggressive hairline advancement, but once the hairline is too low, it becomes a big problem that can be fixed, but requires a fair amount of intervention to do so. It is better not to create the problem in the first place. Also, keen attention must be paid to the patients facial symmetry, hair color to skin contrast, and hair type (curly hair versus straight hair). The new hairline must be created in an irregular pattern so that there are no straight lines at any point in the hairline. With all of these factors taken into consideration, combined with the artistry of the Hair Restoration Surgeon, a completely natural hairline may be achieved.
All the best,
Marc Dauer, MD