

Today I want to demonstrate a bad hair transplant in young patient from another Doctor. The patient came to me requesting more density and this is what I saw. The patient is now in his mid 40’s and had his first hair transplant in his late 20’s by a local Southern California physician. The physician who performed this patient’s hair transplant placed his hairline extremely low, and did not take into account the fact that the patient would experience much more hair loss over time. This is a cardinal rule in Hair Transplant planning, that we as physicians must treat the patient not just for the way they look when they present to us initially, but for the amount of hair loss to the extent that we can predict over time. This is even more important in young patients who can be expected to experience a significant amount of additional hair loss over time.

In addition, the hairline that the physician created is not irregular enough and from a distance looks too much like a straight line. It is always important to create significant irregularity in the hairline in order that it does not look like a straight line from a distance as this is a dead give away for a hair transplant. Hair does not naturally grow in straight lines.

Finally, as if the above was not enough, if you look closely as the photos, you can see that many of the grafts appear as if they are growing out of a small crater in the skin. They are not flush with the skin, as they should be. This is because the grafts were placed too deeply. When this happen a phenomenon called “pitting” occurs and the grafts appear as if they are growing out of a hole in the scalp. When they are placed too high it can also cause small bumps which is called “cobble stoning”.

Unfortunately once the wrong has been done there are not many great options to correct it. In this case the patient’s options are to have the low hairline grafts removed via FUE and recycled further back (this would leave tiny white spots where each graft is removed). Another option would be to have a plastic surgeon raise the entire hairline but undermining and cutting out a large piece of skin posteriorly. This would require extensive scalp surgery. The last option would be the soften the hairline with single hair grafts and place additional grafts in the frontal and mid scalp, ignoring the crown as this patient will never have enough donor hair to fill the entire area of balding if we transplant up to this low lying hairline.

The bottom line here is that it is of the utmost importance that when seeking a hair transplant procedure you throughly investigate your physician in order to ensure that you are going to a competent Doctor. Years in practice do not always translate to good technique, as many physicians continue to make the same mistakes over time and never change their techniques. Beware of the “lowest price” or “over promising” physicians. Find a competent, kind, and compassionate physician, who is an artist, and loves their work.  Spend the time, and do the research, and hopefully things will turn out right.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.


Here is a new hair transplant informational video I have just edited and posted. The video was taken 2 weeks after the patient’s procedure.

I hope you enjoy.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, MD


Last week researchers at Columbia University reported that they had taken human dermal papilla cells and cloned them and subsequently injected them into human tissue that was grafted onto the backs of mice and that in 5 of the 7 cases the hair grew and was determined to be genetically matched to the human donors. The hair growth lasted 6 weeks.

This announcement triggered a media barrage of coverage and certainly speculation that we are closer than ever to being able to clone hair.

When we are able to clone hair, and I say when because I believe we will be able to clone hair sometime in the future, it will possibly be the greatest advance yet in the field of hair restoration. It may also be one of the greatest advances in medicine because it may lead us to be able clone organs and most certainly skin.

Almost everyone will be a candidate for hair restoration! There will be no more supply to demand issues we now encounter in hair transplant surgery. We will be able to create a full head of hair no matter how severe the hair loss! Even individuals with alopecia totalis ( lack of hair over their entire body) may be candidates for hair restoration when we are able to clone hair.

The tantalizing nature of this discovery is incredibly exciting and as a hair transplant surgeon the idea that I may one day be able to help every patient that comes to me, and to do with with a limitless supply of hair is almost too incredible to imagine.

As much as I would want to believe that we are right around the corner from being able to clone hair, I honestly believe that we are probably closer to 20 years away from being able to clone hair in actual practice.

Though this report out of Columbia University is very exciting, it does not address the multitude of issues that will need to be solved before we are able to clone hair in hair restoration practice.

These challenges include but are not limited to figuring out the hair cycle kinetics (getting the hair to actually grow for more than 6 weeks like it did in the study), hair color, positioning, angulation, and texture. Also, having the cloning procedure be financially feasible for the masses.

I do believe the day will come when we are able to clone hair in practice. However, I do not believe that we are very close to that day at this moment in time.

This discovery is an important one and will be another step in the long progression that one day leads us to hair cloning. It is my hope that researchers around the world are inspired by this progress and continue to make great strides towards this end.

In the meantime, I will continue to practice hair restoration surgery with every available technology available and look forward to the day when we will have unlimited supply of donor hair follicles for all patients.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, MD


Here is a new hair transplant patient testimonial. In the video I also describe my hairline design and my crown design.

Enjoy watching.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.


Today I will post a new hair transplant patient testimonial of a patient (who happens to be a hair stylist himself)  discussing his experience choosing his hair transplant surgeon and his experience the day of the procedure. The video was taken immediately after the patient’s procedure. I also demonstrate and discuss my approach to hairline design in the video.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, MD


Here is a new testimonial of a patient of mine, filmed 2 weeks after his second hair transplant procedure. The patient describes his experience from his first to second procedure and how his hair transplant procedure has changed his life. Enjoy watching.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.


In a few weeks I will be traveling to attend the (International Society Of Hair Restoration Surgery)  ISHRS annual meeting in San Francisco. I always look forward to these meetings to see my old friends and hear from my respected colleagues on the latest and greatest in the field of Hair Restoration Surgery. In addition, I usually present lectures and conduct teaching workshops at these meetings and this year I will be conducting a Board Review course and teaching the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) course. I plan on blogging from San Francisco and writing about the new advances I find interesting. I look forward to reporting my findings in a few weeks.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, MD


Here is a patient of mine who received 746 grafts to both eyebrows 4 days prior. There is minimal residual swelling present and some minor crusting, but the overall photos give a very nice idea of what the final result of the eyebrow transplant will look like after the new hair is all grown in. Typically most of the transplanted hairs will fall off after 1-4 weeks. The new follicles leave stem cells in the dermis that will sprout the new eyebrow hair follicles after 12 weeks. The final  result will be visible after about 9 months, but there will be a marked improvement after 6 months.

This patient is thrilled with how her eyebrows look now immediately after the eyebrow transplant procedure, and I will follow up this post with 6-9 month post procedure photos in the future.

All the best.

Marc Dauer, M.D.

Here is a patient pre eyebrow transplant and 4 days after the eyebrow transplant procedure.

Here is a patient pre eyebrow transplant and 4 days after the eyebrow transplant procedure.


Today I will discuss a bad hair transplant procedure result that I recently saw in consultation. The patient was on vacation in Pakistan and responded to an advertisement for an inexpensive hair transplant procedure. The patient subsequently was told that he would receive 2000 grafts (which would equate to about 5000 hairs with typical density) for $500. The patient underwent the procedure and stated that he experienced significant pain during and after the hair transplant procedure. I took the photo below approximately 18 months after his hair transplant procedure in Pakistan. What you see in the photo is very sparse growth of grafts. A patient with no hair in the frontal scalp receiving 2000 grafts should have exponentially more hair growth then you see in the photo. You also see an aggressive hairline design, which means that they placed the hairline lower than it should have been placed in a patient with severe hair loss undergoing a first hair transplant procedure. I always tell my patients undergoing their initial procedure that I would prefer to be more conservative with the hairline and create greater density than getting aggressive with the hairline thus having to spread the same number of grafts over a larger area subsequently getting a lower density result. You can always lower the hairline in successive procedures, but once the hairline is placed too low, you have a problem. There are also 2 hair grafts present in the hairline. This should never be. Only single hair grafts should be placed in the hairline to create a completely natural result. Finally, if you look closely it appears that many of the grafts are emerging from a small crater around them. As if they are not flush with the skin, but coming out of a little hole. This is called “pitting” and occurs when the grafts are placed to deep. This also should not occur in a well done hair transplant procedure.

Unfortunately there are many more unqualified physicians performing hair transplants, or delegating the essential functions of the hair transplant procedure to unqualified personnel, then there are qualified Hair Transplant surgeons performing great work. The consumer needs to beware of these unscrupulous practitioners, both in the US and abroad in order to avoid a result like you see here. This patient can have repair work to fix this, but if it had been performed correctly initially, the corrective work would not be necessary. Unfortunately in this case the damage is already done, but hopefully others can learn from this and not make the same mistake.

Bad Hair Transplant Result

All the best,

Marc Dauer, MD


I decided to commission an animated video which would convey all the basic Hair Transplant Information that anyone interested in Hair Restoration and Hair Transplants should know. It was an enjoyable project for me to create the text copy for the video and I believe it answers many of the basic questions that people interested in Hair Transplants may have. I hope you enjoy this video titled “Hair Restoration and Me”.

All the best,

Marc Dauer, M.D.